Connection : Error on step 2 "Premier plan"  Le sujet est résolu

Sujets traités/corrigés/obsolètes concernant les connecteurs du nAiO v2.X

Connection : Error on step 2 "Premier plan"  Le sujet est résolu

Messagepar bolaseven » 18 Oct 2014, 04:02

ZDS a écrit:Problème [R]ésolu, bug présent dans le nAiO qui ne détectait pas la fenêtre car le titre de l'UpLauncher de Dofus diffère selon la langue. La prochaine version du nAiO prendra en charge les choix linguistiques dans Dofus.

Problem solved ("[R]ésolu" in french), bug present in the nAiO who don't detect the appropriate GUI because the UpLauncher GUI title is not the same in french or in another language. The next version of the nAiO will catch the title properly depending on the language chosen in Dofus.


I would like to say about a "message error" while i've tried to log some accounts at NAIO.

i'll be sure when you check the screenshot is coming...


well, sry Cuz i can't write in FR language =)

PS: all modes has been uptadated

w8ting answeres
Messages: 5

Re: Message Error (Connection)

Messagepar Abysse-Luga » 18 Oct 2014, 11:24

did you install nAiO in the root of the hard drive?

Cordialement Abysse-Luga.
Les meilleurs informaticiens sont les plus fainéants !
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Développeur [Equipe nAiO]
Messages: 370
Localisation: Gironde

Re: Message Error (Connection)

Messagepar bolaseven » 18 Oct 2014, 11:48

Yes, I do.

i dont know what is problem exectly. i follow all steps to use it.

ty for remember me =)
Messages: 5

Re: Message Error (Connection)

Messagepar Abysse-Luga » 18 Oct 2014, 12:11

I invite you to watch my tutorial

Cordialement, Abysse-Luga.
Les meilleurs informaticiens sont les plus fainéants !
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Développeur [Equipe nAiO]
Messages: 370
Localisation: Gironde

Re: Message Error (Connection)

Messagepar bolaseven » 18 Oct 2014, 12:17

i've checked you tuto before to use Naio =)

dont works im my house. idk why =(
Messages: 5

Re: Message Error (Connection)

Messagepar ZDS » 19 Oct 2014, 00:31

Hi Bolaseven,

The error tip said that you are using the 2.2 version of the nAiO, it's outdated (you said it's updated, but obviously, it's not :s). You should updated the soft to 2.3a, by clicking on the config button of the nAiO (gears), and choose the last item "Mise à jour". When the new UI "Mise à jour du nAiO" is on, close the main GUI of the nAiO, and select it in the listview on the left of the screen, you should see a yellow double-arrowed icon. Click it to update the nAiO (after that the picture change to a green tick).

Feel free to contact us for further help if the problem isn't solved after that.

See you later !

PS: Don't worry, the english version of the nAiO is like winter : it's coming ! (with a big loud voice) ^^
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Messages: 526

Re: Message Error (Connection)

Messagepar bolaseven » 19 Oct 2014, 00:36

Sry mate but my naio is updated.

As i said, i checked a tuto before the install =(
Messages: 5

Re: [..] Connection : Error on step 2 "Premier plan"

Messagepar ZDS » 19 Oct 2014, 00:40

But in your screenshot, it's written "2.2" so I'm wondering if the update has worked... I'm sending you my Skype ID right now in order to help you quickly by sharing your screen (and use a dummy account on Dofus to test the autoconnect procedure, for your own safety), if you're ok of course.

EDIT: My Skype ID is sent (in a private message).
EDIT: Temporary bugfix =
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Messages: 526

Re: [..] Connection : Error on step 2 "Premier plan"

Messagepar bolaseven » 19 Oct 2014, 02:13


Thank u

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